Figure of speech that gives meaning through a comparison which is not literal: The Headmaster is a dragon.
1 of 13
Using a succession of words that begin with the same letter: Timid Trevor tried to navigate.
2 of 13
Threes / List
A group of nouns, adjectives or verbs: Bold, courageous, gallant King.
3 of 13
Emotive Language
Stirs emotion in the reader through specific choices in vocabulary: The grieving, pot-bellied orphans were destitute.
4 of 13
Giving an object human characteristics: The trees danced gracefully in the tender sunshine.
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Reoccurring words or phrases: He was a very, very, naughty child.
6 of 13
Offering your ideas and thoughts on a matter: Homework is a waste of time.
7 of 13
Words that imitate the sound when spoken: ping, crashed, slurring.
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Facts / Figures
Numerical values that offer logical information: Two men walked down the street, 72% of the population…
9 of 13
Rhetorical Question
Evoking a reasoning response from the reader by asking a question that doesn’t require an answer: Who knows?
10 of 13
Magnification or understatement about a matter: His leg was broken into thousands of pieces.
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Figure of speech that makes reference to a place, event, literary work, myth, art, etc. but it must be recognised by the intended audience: She is my Juliet.
12 of 13
Direct Address
Talking directly to the audience: You should buy this perfume!
13 of 13
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Using a succession of words that begin with the same letter: Timid Trevor tried to navigate.
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