1. asking more questions, 2. giving more supportive feedback, 3. paying more compliments, 4. more intimate topics discussed, 5. address others more ('you'), 6. develop ideas more
3 of 13
List 4 features specific to men's speech
1. interrupt, 2. express disagreement, 3. ignore other people's utterances, 4. show reluctance to pursue some topics
4 of 13
Which researchers found that 96% of conversational interruptions were made by men?
Zimmerman and West
5 of 13
What topics do women tend to gravitate towards?
'feelings'- personal experiences, relationships and problems
6 of 13
What topics to men tend to gravitate towards?
'things'- information, facts, objects and activities
7 of 13
What is the 'dominance' approach to language and gender?
a theory suggesting that because women were traditionally the less dominant sex, they are less confident and assertive in their speech (especially when talking to men, the dominant sex)
8 of 13
What is the 'difference' approach to language and gender?
An approach focusing on the difference between males and females. From a young age girls are conditioned to play more co-operative games (nurses, teachers), while boys play more competitive games (football). This is carried forward into adulthood.
9 of 13
What is the 'dynamic' approach to language and gender?
This theory is less prescriptive (it is the most modern theory). It argues that men and women 'perform' roles in conversations by adopting traditional stereotypes of masculinity and femininity.
10 of 13
Exam Question
What evidence is there to suggest that men and women use language in different ways? What explanations have been offered to account for the difference?
11 of 13
Which researchers did work on gender and standard language use?
Peter Trudgill and Jenny Cheshire
12 of 13
How is male pronunciation different from females?
1. they are more likely to drop the 'h' sound, 2. more likely to drop the final 'g' sound, 3. more usage of 'ain't', 4. more likely to use multiple negatives
13 of 13
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Whose language use tends to be more co-operative?
Card 3
List 6 features specific to women's speech
Card 4
List 4 features specific to men's speech
Card 5
Which researchers found that 96% of conversational interruptions were made by men?
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