Language and gender theorists quiz English language A.S 2.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? English LanguageLanguage and genderASAll boards Created by: Will MataCreated on: 27-05-10 10:45 What is the Sapir Whorf Hypophesis? The idea that we aquire a way of thinkign abouth the world through language 1 of 6 What was MIlls' theory? many female (to male) equivalents are degrogitary in meaning 2 of 6 What was Mills Cameron and Schultz's theory? all womens terms are devient and thereofore lower than mens 3 of 6 Who opposed Lakoffs dominance theory? Holmes 4 of 6 What was the O'barr and Atkins theory? speach depends on class rather than gender 5 of 6 What was lakoffs theory about language and gender Men swear more than women 6 of 6
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