Language Change and Variation Quiz 2.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? English LanguageLanguage variation and discoursesA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Louise AnsellCreated on: 29-05-13 12:52 Who invented the printing press William Caxton 1 of 30 Jean Aitchison is a... Descriptivist 2 of 30 Descriptivists... Describe forms of variation, present ideas without preference and record change as it happens 3 of 30 Prescriptivists Impose standardised rules, reject existing non-standard forms and control future change 4 of 30 Janet Holmes looked at Tag Questions 5 of 30 Deborah Tannen thinks that Men and women are linguistically different 6 of 30 Pamela Fishman thinks that Women work harder in conversations and are drawn into low status work 7 of 30 Robin Lakoff suggested that women use more affective adjectives and hedges 8 of 30 What invasion was there in the Old English period Germanic/Viking 9 of 30 Who invaded England in the Middle English period Norman French 10 of 30 When was the printing press invented 1476 11 of 30 What was the first English Bible called King James Bible 12 of 30 The Aziz Corporation suggested that strong accents are a disadvantage in business 13 of 30 John Honey is a prescriptivist, his book is called The story of English language and its enemies 14 of 30 Linguistic Determinism was suggested by Sapir and Whorf 15 of 30 Linguistic Determinism (strong) suggests that Language precedes thought 16 of 30 The Wave model was suggested by Chen 17 of 30 The S Curve model was suggested by Bailey 18 of 30 What is nonce formation A word created for one off use 19 of 30 Rebus is Representing a word or phrase with letters or characters 20 of 30 What is Koineisation The creation of a new standard language formed by combining two dialect form through language contact 21 of 30 Sue Fox is famous for Multi-Cultural London English and Multi-Ethnic Youth Dialect 22 of 30 Polari is An anti-language used by the homosexual community 23 of 30 Peter Trudgill studied The Norwich Vernacular 24 of 30 Who created 'Webster's Dictionary' Noah Webster 25 of 30 American English was influenced by The African American language of Gullah 26 of 30 David Rosewarne studied Estuary English 27 of 30 Describe lexical gaps Seeing likely paths that language may take in the future 28 of 30 Who is a famous Descriptivist Jean Aitchison 29 of 30 Who is a famous Prescriptivist Jonathan Swift 30 of 30
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