Late Imperial Russia 1894-1905 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryASOCR Created by: RebeccaBurnettCreated on: 26-09-18 12:18 Politically why was Russia backwards? (5) Autocratic state, opposition illegal, nobles in control, Okhrana, conscripted army 1 of 15 Economically why was Russia backwards? (5) Harsh winter, backwards farming, banking undeveloped, no consumer demand for products, poor communications 2 of 15 Socially why was Russia backwards? (6) Over 80% population peasants, only 800,000 industrial workers, social hierarchy, mostly of Russian Orthodox, 3500 in 6 universities 3 of 15 Problems with climate Frozen lakes, hard to import and trade on 4 of 15 Westerners Russians who believed that their nation had to model itself on the advanced countries of Europe. 5 of 15 Slavophiles Russians who urged that the nation should preserve its self as “holy Russia”, glorying in it Slavonic culture and traditions 6 of 15 Pobedonostsev Known as the “Great Inquisitor” because of his repressive attitudes. Tutor of Nicholas II 7 of 15 Personal issues of Tsar Easily manipulated, lacked imagination, mistrusted of ministers 8 of 15 Why did the Tsar use Russification? To impose Russian values on all of his people. Made it easier to control the massive size of the population if they all had the same values. 9 of 15 What was Russification? The restriction of non-Russian influences by emphasising all things Russian 10 of 15 Problem with size of Russia Hard to communicate over 8 million square miles, especially with the lack of communications 11 of 15 An example of Russification Russian was declared official language 12 of 15 How did Russification affect the Jewish population? There were 600 new policies restricting over 5 million Jews. Discrimination was more open 13 of 15 What were Pogroms? Fierce, violent attacks on the Jewish population 14 of 15 Result of pogroms? Jewish Bund formed in 1897: a Jewish anti-tsarist movement 15 of 15
Fats and figures of The nature of Nicolas II’s regime and the effectiveness of his rule 4.5 / 5 based on 7 ratings
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