Latin D and E Vocabulary 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? LatinVocabularyGCSEOCR Created by: Joanna2001Created on: 29-10-15 12:59 de from 1 of 40 dea goddess 2 of 40 debeo owe 3 of 40 defendo defend 4 of 40 deinde then 5 of 40 deleo destroy 6 of 40 descendo go down 7 of 40 deus god 8 of 40 dico say 9 of 40 dies day 10 of 40 difficilis difficult 11 of 40 diligens careful 12 of 40 dirus dreadful 13 of 40 discedo depart 14 of 40 diu for a long time 15 of 40 do give 16 of 40 doceo teach 17 of 40 domina mistress 18 of 40 dominus master 19 of 40 domus home 20 of 40 donum gift 21 of 40 dormio sleep 22 of 40 duco lead 23 of 40 dum while 24 of 40 dux leader 25 of 40 e out of 26 of 40 ecce look 27 of 40 effugio escape 28 of 40 ego I 29 of 40 egredior go out 30 of 40 emo buy 31 of 40 enim for 32 of 40 eo go 33 of 40 epistula letter 34 of 40 equus horse 35 of 40 et and 36 of 40 both...and 37 of 40 etiam also 38 of 40 exercitus army 39 of 40 exspecto wait for 40 of 40
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