LATIN GRAMMAR RECOVERY 0.0 / 5 ? LatinGrammar and languageGCSENone Created by: MaeGetsRevisingCreated on: 25-09-22 17:27 cum dominus veberavisset canem, filiae vituperavisset eum. when the master had beaten the dog, his daughter cursed him. 1 of 21 what is the 3rd principle part of the word 'deleo' delevi 2 of 21 how do you form pluperfect subjunctive? 3rd principle part + isse + m,s,t,mus,tis,nt 3 of 21 what are the parts of the ablative case by, with, from, in or on 4 of 21 ambulabamus cum servis, cum puellis et cum canibus we were walking with the slaves, the girls and the dogs 5 of 21 veni cum rege I came with the king 6 of 21 what is the imperfect subjunctive of I was loving amarem 7 of 21 amaretis nemo you were loving no one 8 of 21 visne spectare spectaculum? do you want to watch the show? 9 of 21 present active participles are translated as... the laugh - ing boys 10 of 21 servos fugientes vidi i saw the fleeing slaves 11 of 21 quid de milite fugienti audivisti what have you heard of the fleeing soldiers? 12 of 21 how to recognise present active participles? they usually contain some sort of en or an 13 of 21 how to translate perfect passive participles? having been verbed 14 of 21 templum, a fabris peritis aedificatum, erat splendidam the temple, having been built skilfully by the craftsmen, was splendid. 15 of 21 how to recognise perfect passive participles? the usually have endings like bonus, bona, bonum (1st and 2cnd decl) 16 of 21 imperatives: how to form? use infinites, cut off -re if plural add -te if you it's a 'do not' add either nolite (pl) or noli (singular) 17 of 21 what tense is this? postulavit 3rd person perfect 18 of 21 how to make a gerundive? get the present participle remove the s add dus/da/dum 19 of 21 labor servis facienda est the slaves must do the work 20 of 21 what are the principle parts of the verb to be? sum, esse, fui, futurus 21 of 21
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