Latin GCSE: Livy
Quiz about the background of Livy set text for exam, good luck :)
- Created by: Maria
- Created on: 13-04-12 08:54
Other questions in this quiz
2. Who was Romulus the son of?
- Mars
- Mercury
- Venus
- Neptune
- Jupiter
3. Romulus was the founder of Rome and twin brother of Remus.
- True
- False
4. At the time of his death/disappearance, which one of these was Romulus NOT popular with?
- Senate
- People
- Army
5. What are the 'imortalibus editis' that Romulus has brought about?
- Religious development and spiritual welbeing to bring Rome to its present status
- Steady negotiation at a time of peace to bring Rome to its present status
- A neat blend of warlike and diplomatic practices to bring Rome to its present status
- Strong, powerful leadership to bring Rome to its present status
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