Other questions in this quiz

2. Who was Romulus the son of?

  • Mars
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Neptune
  • Jupiter

3. Romulus was the founder of Rome and twin brother of Remus.

  • True
  • False

4. At the time of his death/disappearance, which one of these was Romulus NOT popular with?

  • Senate
  • People
  • Army

5. What are the 'imortalibus editis' that Romulus has brought about?

  • Religious development and spiritual welbeing to bring Rome to its present status
  • Steady negotiation at a time of peace to bring Rome to its present status
  • A neat blend of warlike and diplomatic practices to bring Rome to its present status
  • Strong, powerful leadership to bring Rome to its present status


Charlotte Fox


some of your questions are a little wierd... /:(

Pierre Anderson


one of your questions is completely wrong love. sort it out quickly!!!!!

Antonia Loizou


your flash cards are really good but there is one mistake in the question "Whose ideas added credibility to the theory, as he came before the assembly as a man of influence?" your answer is Decimus Brutus but it is actually Proculus Iulius.

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