Law 02/Law 03- Non- Fatal Offences Summary

  • Created by: domlee13
  • Created on: 05-01-18 10:39
What is the Actus Reus of Assault + Case?
To cause the victim to apprehend immediate unlawful violence. (Ireland)
1 of 10
What is the Mens Rea of Assault + Case?
Intention or Subjective Recklessness to cause the victim to apprehend immediate unlawfull violence. (Savage)
2 of 10
What is the Actus Reus of Battery + Case?
Application of unlawful physical force. (Fagan)
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What is the Mens Rea of Battery + Case?
Intention or Subjective Recklessness to apply unlawful physical force. (Venna)
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What is the Actus Reus of S.47 ABH + Case?
An assault or battery that occasions Actual Bodily Harm. (Miller)
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What is the Mens Rea of S.47 ABH + Case?
Intention or Subjective Recklessness to commit an assault or battery. (Parmenter)
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What is the Actus Reus of S.20 GBH or Wounding + Case?
Inflicting or Causing GBH or Wounding. (Lewis)
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What is the Mens Rea of S.20 GBH or Wounding + Case?
Intention or Subjective Recklessness to cause some harm, albeit not serious harm (Dica)
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What is the Actus Reus of S.18 GBH or Wounding + Case?
Inflicting or Causing GBH or Wounding. (Lewis)
9 of 10
What is the Mens Rea of S.18 GBH or Wounding + Case?
Specific intention to cause GBH or Wounding (Belfon)
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Card 2


What is the Mens Rea of Assault + Case?


Intention or Subjective Recklessness to cause the victim to apprehend immediate unlawfull violence. (Savage)

Card 3


What is the Actus Reus of Battery + Case?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Mens Rea of Battery + Case?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the Actus Reus of S.47 ABH + Case?


Preview of the front of card 5
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