
what is the process of a bill through parliament?
first reading , second reading, committee stage, report stage, third reading, house of lords, royal assent
1 of 5
what are green and white papers?
a broad consultation document on the name and aims of a new bill. White Papers are issued by the Government as statements of policy, and often set out proposals for legislative changes or the introduction of new laws.
2 of 5
what are pressure groups?
a group that tries to influence public policy in the interest of a particular cause.
3 of 5
what is the law commission?
The Law Commission is the statutory independent body created by the Law Commissions Act 1965 to keep the law of England and Wales under review and to recommend reform where it is needed. The aim of the Commission is to ensure that the law is: fair. m
4 of 5
what are 3 influences on parliamentary law making?
media, law commission and pressure groups
5 of 5

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Card 2


a broad consultation document on the name and aims of a new bill. White Papers are issued by the Government as statements of policy, and often set out proposals for legislative changes or the introduction of new laws.


what are green and white papers?

Card 3


a group that tries to influence public policy in the interest of a particular cause.


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Card 4


The Law Commission is the statutory independent body created by the Law Commissions Act 1965 to keep the law of England and Wales under review and to recommend reform where it is needed. The aim of the Commission is to ensure that the law is: fair. m


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Card 5


media, law commission and pressure groups


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