Law Unit 03 Corssword 0.0 / 5 ? LawCriminal lawA2/A-levelOCR Created by: 048866Created on: 07-01-17 23:50 Unlawful killing of a human being under the queen's peace with malice aforethought Murder 1 of 8 No aim or purpose to kill or cause serious harm Manslaughter 2 of 8 Unintentional killing as a result of an offence Unlawful Act Manslaughter 3 of 8 Unintentional killing as a result of a gross act or omission Gross Negligence Manslaughter 4 of 8 Intentionally or recklessly causing a victim to apprehend unlawful immediate personal violence Assault 5 of 8 Case used to establish rules on Insanity M'Naghten 6 of 8 Reformed defence that was originally known as provocation Loss of Control 7 of 8 Mens rea of murder Malice aforethought 8 of 8
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