Law - Actus Reus - Omissions 0.0 / 5 ? LawCriminal lawA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Krishna BholahCreated on: 28-04-13 15:16 What civil law case first established the 'duty of care' principle? Donohugue v Stevenson (1932) 1 of 9 What case extends the possible situations where a duty of care may exist? Khan and Khan (1998) 2 of 9 Can an omission amount to a sufficient actus reus for UAM? No 3 of 9 What country of the following options does the 'Good Samaritan Law' exist in? France 4 of 9 What judge/reform body/academic argues 'actus reus' should be renamed to 'external element'? Law Commission 5 of 9 What act creates a statutory duty in relation to allowing the death of a child or vunerable adult? Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 6 of 9 Why was Miller (1983) guilty of arson? For failing to take reasonable steps to deal with the fire 7 of 9 In which case was D found guilty due to creating a dangerous situation? Santa-Bermudez (2003) 8 of 9 Who decides whether there is evidence capable of establishing a duty in law? The judge 9 of 9
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