Laws 2.5 / 5 based on 6 ratings ? Citizenship StudiesGCSEEdexcel Created by: EllieCreated on: 07-05-13 17:02 What is a Bill? A rough draft of a law 1 of 18 Why are there Laws? To protect people's rights 2 of 18 What are the two main types of Law? Civil and Criminal 3 of 18 What is a contract An agreement made between two people 4 of 18 What is an ASBO? An antisocial behavior order 5 of 18 How long can you be questioned for? Up to 24 hours 6 of 18 Who decides if somebody is prosecuted? Crown Prosecution Service 7 of 18 How many members are there in a jury? 12 adults 8 of 18 Why do we have rights? For freedom and protection 9 of 18 What can you do aged 14? Work part time 10 of 18 Which act allowed men and women to vote? Representation of People Act 11 of 18 What does the International Humanitarian Law do? Protects people in conflict 12 of 18 What does Amnesty International do? Fights for Human Rights 13 of 18 What is an absolute right? A right you are always entitled to 14 of 18 What does the Sale of Goods Act say? The goods must be of a decent quality 15 of 18 Give a statutory body which can help with consumer rights. Consumer Direct 16 of 18 What does a trade union do? Help negotiate fair working conditions 17 of 18 Give one way of promoting community cohesion Language Classes 18 of 18
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