League of Nations 2
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- Created by: Jo-Robertson
- Created on: 01-06-17 21:42
League of Nations - Bulgaria 1925
Greek troops invaded Bulgaria due to Greek soldiers being killed; Bulgaria appealed for help; League demanded both sides stand forces down and Greek troops withdraw.
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League of Nations - Bulgaria 1925
League sent observers and Greece had to pay £45,000 and threatened with sanctions, Greece did this but complained about one rule for large countries and another for small ones
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League of Nations - A better world - Refugees
Worked hard to get refugees and prisoners of war back to their homelands; 400,000 prisoners of war were returned
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League of Nations - A better world - Working Conditions
ILO successful in banning lead from paint and the number of hours children could work; campaigned to improve work conditions, a maximum of 8hr day and 48hr week; only the minority countries adopted it
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League of Nations - A better world - Health
Global campaign to rid mosquitos which greatly reduced malaria and yellow fever; one of the most successful of the League organisations and later became the World Health Organisation
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League of Nations - A better world - social problems
League blacklisted companies involved in the illegal drug trade; release of 200,000 slaves in Sierra Leone
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League of Nations - Disarmament
1920's largely failed to bring about disarmament; 1921 - USA , Japan, UK & France agreed to limit size of navy. Failure of disarmament damaging to their reputation with Germany. Germany had already disarmed.
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League of Nations - Economic recovery
1924 - Dawes Plan - helped sort out Germany's economic chaos and also UK and Frances economy forward; encouraged trade between countries and in turn less likely to go to war
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League of nations - Economic Depression
Late 20's boom in economic trade,USA richest nation and US business was driving world economy; most countries getting richer due to trade; political disaster predicted if countries did not cooperate economically, he was right
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League of Nations - Economic Depression
1929 - economic disaster struck, Wall Street crash, started a long depression causing economic problems throughout the world; 1930's much of the goodwill and optimism of the 20's evaporated; US loans stopped business bust; unemployment
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League of Nations - Manchurian Crisis - Invasion 1 1931
Japanese had ideal opportunity for army to control the Manchurian railway; Chinese troops attacked, Japanese armed forces used this as an excuse to invade and set up government in Manchuoko
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League of Nations - Manchurian Crisis - China Appeals
China appealed to the league; Japanese argued China in anarchy therefore they needed to keep peace
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League of Nations - Manchurian Crisis - League Investigates
Long delay and officials sailed around the world to assess situation; Sept 1932 before report filed; a full yr after invasion; judgement japan acted unlawfully and Manchuria should be returned to Chinese
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League of Nations - Manchurian Crisis - Invasion 2 - 1933
Feb 1933, Japan did not withdraw and announced invading more of China; arguing necessary & self defence; 24.2.1933 report from Leagues officials approved 43 votes - 1 in assembly; Japan resigned from League 27.2.1933
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League of Nations - Manchurian Crisis - The League responds
League powerless & discussed sanctions, without backing of USA meaningless; League discussed banning arms sales to Japan but not agreed; worried Japan retaliate and war worsen
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League of Nations - Manchurian Crisis - Consequences
Excuses offered for failure of League - Japan special case; so far away; Japan had a point when said China in anarchy, League powerless if countries wanted to invade. Japan had been aggressive and got away with it.
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League of Nations - Abyssinia
Fatal blow to League when Mussolini invaded in 1935; Italy was leading member of league
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League of Nations - Abyssinia - Phase 1
Jan 1935 - Oct 1935 Mussolini meant to be negotiating with League to settle dispute; he was shipping his own army to Afica and whipping war fever in his own people; British and French failed to take seriously; desperate to keep good relations with Mu
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League of Nations - Abyssinia - Phase 1
France and UK signed agreement with Mussolini in 1935 against German rearmament; later public outcry against Italy's behaviour; ballot taken in UK and supported use of force to protect Abyssinia if needed; 4th Sept committee reported no one repost
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League of Nations - Abyssinia - Phase 2 - Sanctions or not
1935 - Oct Mussolini launched full scale invasion, Abyssinians no match for Italian army; powerful state attacking a smaller one; sanctions only work if implemented quickly; decisions delayed would allow Mussolini to stock pile resources
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League of Nations - Abyssinia - Phase 2 - Sanctions or not
Banned: arms sales, loans, imports from Italy and exports of rubber, tin & metals to Italy; Legue delayed decision for 2 months as to whether oil exports to Italy should be banned; feared US would not support and economic status of the League;
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League of Nations - Abyssinia - Phase 2 - Sanctions or not
30,000 British coal miners to lose jobs due to lack of exports to Italy; sewers canal not shut.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
League of Nations - Bulgaria 1925
League sent observers and Greece had to pay £45,000 and threatened with sanctions, Greece did this but complained about one rule for large countries and another for small ones
Card 3
League of Nations - A better world - Refugees

Card 4
League of Nations - A better world - Working Conditions

Card 5
League of Nations - A better world - Health

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