Lecture 1, Vert Life 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyBiology UniversityNone Created by: Elysia_DaviesCreated on: 12-12-16 10:51 Chordata synapomorphies Notochord, Dorsal Hollow nerve tube, Post anal tail, Pharyngeal slits, endostyle 1 of 18 somthing that is a craniate but not a vertbrate hagsish 2 of 18 sister group of vertebrates urochordates 3 of 18 sauropsids testudines, crocodilia, sphenodonta, squamata, aves 4 of 18 synapsids mammals and their extinct relatives 5 of 18 oviparity egg laying 6 of 18 first true vertebrate Ostracoderms 7 of 18 first tetrapods osteolepiforms, rhipidistia 8 of 18 rhipidistia dipnoi and tetrapods 9 of 18 order of water to land transistion euthenopteron, acanthostega, ichthyostega, tiktaalik 10 of 18 eustheropteron 4 unpaired fins, pelagic, choaoa, tetrapod skull, fin specialisation 11 of 18 acanthostega paddle like limbs, 8 digits, well ossified gill arches, tail 12 of 18 ichthyostega paddle like limbs, 7 digits, overlapping ribs 13 of 18 Dispersal Animals spread accross border 14 of 18 Vicariance Animals divided by border 15 of 18 Gondwana Southern super continent 16 of 18 Laurasia Northern supercontinent 17 of 18 Pangea Global supercontinent 18 of 18
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