Lecture 4 - Infection 0.0 / 5 ? NursingInfectionUniversityAll boards Created by: lbarbour03Created on: 19-03-23 20:21 What is a micro-organism? Any organism too small to be seen by the naked eye 1 of 12 What is a pathogen? micro-organisms that cause disease 2 of 12 What is infection? the presence of micro-organisms causing damage to body tissues 3 of 12 What are the 4 stages of infection progression? (POV. micro-organism) 1.Colonization 2. Invasion 3. Multiplication 4. Spread 4 of 12 4 stages of clinical infectious disease process? 1. Incubation period 2. Prodromal stage 3. Invasion period 4. Convalescence 5 of 12 What is the incubation period? the interval between exposure to an infectious agent and appearance of the first symptoms. 6 of 12 What is the incubation period? appearance of initial symptoms. Often mild 7 of 12 Invasion period? the pathogen multiplying rapidly, invading further,affecting tissues at site of initial colonisation 8 of 12 Convalescence period individuals immune and inflammatory systems have removed infectious agent. 9 of 12 Fever is also known as? Pyrexia 10 of 12 Fever (pyrexia) is...? Rise in body temp. 37.2 > 11 of 12 What are the 4 classes of infectious micro-organisms? 1. bacterial infection 2. Viral 3. fungal 4. parasitic and protozoal 12 of 12
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