Lecture 7, Vert LIfe 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyArchosaurs UniversityNone Created by: Elysia_DaviesCreated on: 12-12-16 11:44 archosaurs Crocodiles and birds 1 of 21 Pseudosuchia Crocodile line of archosaurs - heavily built quadropeds, large heads, short necks, carnivorus, amoured scutes, semi-aquatic ectothermic poikilotherms 2 of 21 Ornithodira Bird line of archosaurs - some lightly built bipeds, some carnvorus some herbivorus groups, often insultaed endoderms, more ecologically balanced 3 of 21 crocodylomorph pseudosuchia 4 of 21 rauisuchidae pseudosuchia 5 of 21 poposauria pseodosuchia (first known) 6 of 21 Aetosauria pseudosuchia 7 of 21 Ornithosuchidae pseudosuchia 8 of 21 theropoda ornithodira 9 of 21 sauropods ornithodira 10 of 21 ornithischia ornithodira 11 of 21 pterosaurs ornithodira 12 of 21 Archosaur synapomorphies Diapsid, antorbital fenestrae, mandibular fenestrae, serrated laterally compressed teeth, 4th trochanter 13 of 21 Archosaur Permian Archosaur origin, lrg superficially coc like 14 of 21 Archosaur end Permian huge mass extinction,mammal like reptiles lost, archosauriforms survived with empty ecospace 15 of 21 Archosaur triassic archosaurifroms rapidly diversified, true archosaurs arose (popsaur), gradual competitive replacement of therapsids with archosaur 16 of 21 Locomoter superiority hypothesis competitive replacement of sprawling therapsids with upright pseudosuchians due to carriers constraignt 17 of 21 Archosaur end Triassic mass extinction, loss of dominant pseudosuchians, ornithodira survivie 18 of 21 Archosaur Jurassic "age of dinosaurs"- ornithodirans in every niche 19 of 21 Archosaur Cretaceous Ornithodirans in every niche, species get big in all groups, crocodylia evolves 20 of 21 Archosaur End cretaceous Mass extinction, all non-crocodylian, non-avian archosaurs lost 21 of 21
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