What are the four inns that barristers must be a member of?
Lincolns Inn, Inner Temple, Middle Temple and Gray's Inn
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If you do not have a law degree, what do you have to take in order to go on to qualify as a barrister?
Graduate diploma in law or the Common professional Examination
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What do students study on the Bar professional training course?
- case preperation - Written Skills - Opinion writing - Drafting documents such as claim forms - Conference skills - Negotiation - Advocacy
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What is advocacy?
Speaking in court on behalf of another person
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What happens when a student passes the Bar Professional Training course?
They are called to the bar
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When a student is called to the bar are they officially qualified?
Yes, however they have to do practical training called pupillage
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What is involved in pupillage?
6 months shadowing and then 6 months doing their own cases.
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What is direct access?
In a civil case, there is no need to go to a solicitor first they can just go to the barrister to instruct them, direct access is not allowed in criminal cases or family work.
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Who can employ a barrister?
The civil service, local government and business. Mainly the CPS
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Who represents barristers?
The Bar Council
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Who represents solicitors?
The Law of Society
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If you have a degree in something other than law, what exam can you take to become a solicitor?
GDP = Graduate Diploma in Law
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After you have a law degree or GDP what do you do next to train as a solicitor?
LPC = Legal Practice Course
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What does the Legal Practice Course include?
Training in skills such as client interviewing, negotiation, advocacy, drafting documents and legal research
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After completing the LPC, what must the student do next in order to be admitted as a solicitor by the Law Society?
Obtain a training contract for 2 years in a solicitors' firm getting practical experience.
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What do you need to have passed in order to become a legal executive?
PDL = Professional diploma in law and the PHDL = Professional Higher diploma in law.
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Aswell as the PDL and the HDL what else do you need to become a legal executive?
To have worked in a solicitors' firm for five years plus.
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If you were a Legal Executive who wishes to go on to be a solicitor, what do you have to do?
Pass the Law Society's Legal Practice course
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Legal Executives are free earners, what does this mean?
Where a legal executuve works for a firm of solicitors and their work is charged at hourly rate directly to clients.
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What is the role of a barrister?
Mostly court work, write opinions and draft documents, briefed by solicitors and direct access in civil cases
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Where can barristers practice advocacy?
Full rights of audience in all courts.
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What is the role of a solicitor ?
Wide variety of work mostly office based, contracts, leases, wills, conveyancing, direct access by clients, May brief a barrister where its necessary to go to court.
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Where can solicitors automatically advocate?
Magistrates or county courts
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What can solicitors do to advocate in higher courts?
Get advocacy qualifications
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What is the role of a legal executive?
Similar to solicitors but more straightforward matters.
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What is the regulatory body for barristers?
Bar Standards Board
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What is the regulatory body for solicitors?
Solicitors regulatory Authority
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What are all legal Executives members of ?
CILEx = Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
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What is the regulatory body for legal Executives?
CILEx Regulation Board
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Where do complaints about decisions of the regulatory bodies go to?
The Legal Ombudsman
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the four inns that barristers must be a member of?
Lincolns Inn, Inner Temple, Middle Temple and Gray's Inn
Card 3
If you do not have a law degree, what do you have to take in order to go on to qualify as a barrister?
Card 4
What do students study on the Bar professional training course?
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