Legal Profession

  • Created by: shadia
  • Created on: 08-05-13 17:34
Where do Solicitors Work?
Solicitors work in partnerships, firms or for the government.
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Where do Barristers Work?
Chambers. Which are a set of about 20 offices, with a clerk who has no legal qualifications but is in charge of the administration.
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Name the Four Inns of Court?
Grays Inn, Lincolns Inn, Middle Temple, Inner Temple
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What work do Solicitors do?
Offer legal advice to the public, negotiate on clients behalf, prepare documents and draft wills.
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What work do Barristers do?
Represent clients in court,give advice on points of law to solicitors and prepare cases.
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Who are the Law Society and what do they require?
A professional body responsible for the control and discipline of solicitors.
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Card 2


Where do Barristers Work?


Chambers. Which are a set of about 20 offices, with a clerk who has no legal qualifications but is in charge of the administration.

Card 3


Name the Four Inns of Court?


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Card 4


What work do Solicitors do?


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Card 5


What work do Barristers do?


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