Legislation 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? LawGCSEAQA Created by: NicoleCreated on: 30-11-12 18:32 What is legislation? known as a statute or act of parliament 1 of 8 Who creates legislation? parliament 2 of 8 What does parliament consist of? elected representatives 3 of 8 Can parliament pass and remove law on anything it chooses? yes 4 of 8 What is ONE disadvantage of legislation?Why? time consuming, many different stages 5 of 8 What THREE things are involved in the pre-legislative process? green paper, white paper and drafting stage 6 of 8 How many different types of bill are there? 3 7 of 8 How many components are there in the legislative process? 7 8 of 8
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