Legislations and Regulations 0.0 / 5 ? OtherVeterinary NursingOtherOther Created by: Ameliaferrari92Created on: 02-11-21 12:05 What year is the Breeding of Dogs Act 1999 1 of 13 What year is the Animal Welfare Act 2006 2 of 13 What year is the Microchipping of Dogs Regulation 2015 3 of 13 What year is the Animals Act 1971 4 of 13 What year is the Data Protection Act 2018 5 of 13 What year is the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 6 of 13 What year is the Wages Act 1986 7 of 13 What tear is the Equality Act 2010 8 of 13 What year is the Health & Safety At Work Act 1974 9 of 13 What year is the Contract of Employment Act 1963 10 of 13 What year is the Employment Protection Act 1975 11 of 13 What year is the Employment Rights Act 1966 12 of 13 What year is the Veterinary Medicines Regulation 2013 13 of 13
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