Natural rights are synonymous with human rights - they are the grounds for political morality developed by John Locke. They can be given by God or by a part of nature itself.
1 of 9
What does pluralist mean for Liberals?
Pluralist/ism is the acknowledgement of diversity which is key to liberal thinking as it benefits the individuals freedom.
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What is liberarianism?
It is an encompassing term that surrounds individualism, individual rights, limited gov.and human rights
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What is negative freedom?
It is the absence of restraint , obstacles or barriers on a person - associated with Locke, Bentham and Mill
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What is positive freedom?
It is the ability to grow and develop personally, associated with a collective as gov. intervention is needed
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How do Liberals perceive equality?
Liberalism is based upon equality: classical - we are all created equal, modern - some social equality is needed for freedoms for everyone.
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What is paternalistic conservatism?
It means where the gov. acts as a father figure to society, providing for their needs without responsibility
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How do conservatives traditionally view human nature?
Traditionally, they have a pessimistic outlook as humans are steeped in original sin and need a strong gov. to counter this
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What is the organic theory of society?
Conservatives believe in an organic society where the growth comes naturally. They also believe in the status quo
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Card 2
What does pluralist mean for Liberals?
Pluralist/ism is the acknowledgement of diversity which is key to liberal thinking as it benefits the individuals freedom.
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