Lifestyle, health, and Risk

  • Created by: Byrney27
  • Created on: 16-10-19 18:03
key molecules organisms need to be able to transport
oxygen, glucose
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key waste substance they need to remove
carbon dioxide
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the movement of a fluid from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
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active transport
the movement of molecules across a membrane from a region of their lower concentration to a region of their higher concentratio
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the net movement of water molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration through a semi permeable membrane
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3 factors for diffusion
organsism size, SA:V ratio, level of activity
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double circulatory system features
faster blood flow, two different blood pressures, blood goes to lungs at a lower pressure - prevents tissue damage
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starting in the left atrium, show circulatory system
left atrium, left atrioventricular valve, left ventricular, semi lunar valve, aorta, the body, vena cava, right atrium, right atrioventricular valve, right ventricle, semi lunar valve, pulmonary artery, lungs, pulmonary vein, aorta
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order from artery to vein
artery, arteriole, capillary, venule, vein
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artery information
carry blood away from heart, usually oxygenated, narrow lumen, high BP, collagen infused walls, elastic fibres in walls, muscles fibres for contraction and relaxation
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vein information
blood towards heart, usually deoxygenated, wide lume, low BP, collagen infused walls, semi lunar valves to prevent backflow, many veins situated in muscles so contraction forces surgers of blood.
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capillary information
near all cells, one cell thick cell walls, small diameter
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practical to test arterial strength
suspend a ring of artery from clamp stand and add weights. Record length with each weight added and length with no weights each time. Keep going until artery breaks
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4 constituents of the blood
erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes(white blood cells), plasms, platelets,
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blood plasma constituents
water 90%, proteins 6-8%, electrolytes 1%, nutrients, waste products, hormones, gases
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water is a dipole
2 hydrogen bonds are posotive, oxygen is negative, two poles
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weak electrostatic intervals, hydrogen bonds, good solvent for molecules that are polar or charged (hydrophilic)
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meaning of CVD
CardioVascular Disease
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contraction of a chamber
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relaxation of a chamber
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plural of atrium
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between the atrium and the ventricle
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cardiac cycle
the act of filling and pumping - a heart beat
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atrial diastole
atria>ventricles slightly higher pressure, atrioventricular valves slightly open, semilunar valves closed
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atrial systole
atria>ventricles higher pressure, atrioventricular valves are open, semilunar valves are closed
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ventricular systole
ventricles>atria/arteries higher pressure, atrioventricular valves are closed, semi lunar valves are open
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fatty plaque
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hardening of tissue
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disease of arteries blocking with plaque
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blood clot
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tissue decay
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blood supply to brain is blocked
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myocardial infarction
heart attack
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athersclerosis process
damage to endothelium, inflammatory response (white blood cells), plaque forms, increased blood pressure - positive feedback loop
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blood clotting
essential to repair damage - prevents blood loss and protects against pathogens. Fatal if formed in arteries or veins
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forms in vessels
lack of movement, snake venom, atherosclerosis
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formation of a blood clot
platelets contact damage, become sticky and form plug, thromboplastin is releaseda and activates blood clotting cascade, thromboplastin converts prothombin into thrombin, thrombin start catalysation of fibrogen into fibrin, fibrin mesh forms blood cl
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daphnia core practical
effect of caffeine on heart rate - put daphnia in different concentrations of caffeine solutions, calculating heart rate ove 10 minutes in two minute intervals.
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what messures blood pressure
sphygmomanometer and stethescope
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systalic BP
highest BP - during ventricular systole
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diastolic BP
lowest BP - during ventricular diastole
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where is BP measured
brachial artery (arm)
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peripheral resistance
narrowing vessles
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method for meauring BP
cuff placed and inflatted on upper arm (no blood flow - no sound), first systolic meaurement taken as cuff deflates adnd blood starts surging, blood flow returns to normal and diastolic measurement is taken
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causes of increased BP
less elastic blood vessels, narrowing of blood vessles, lengthened blood vessels, less fluid blood
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swelling due to fluid collecting around tissue
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Oedema is a common symptom of hypertension
fluid leaves capilleries, pushed out by hydrostatic BP, greater BP = more fluid forced out, results in oedema
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common reduction methods for CVD
no smoking, activity, low BP, low LDL cholesterol, no alcohol, normal BMI
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medication options for high BP
ACE inhbitors, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, beta blockers
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ACE inhibitors
reduces vasoconstriction, reduces BP. risks = kidney failure, dry cough, dizziness, abnormal heart rhythms
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Calcium Channel blockers
less calcium = less muscle contraction. Risks = headaches, dizziness, oedemas, flushing, abnormal heart rhythms, fatal to those with heart conditions
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reduces blood volume and cardiac output, reducing BP. Risks = dizziness, nausea, stomach cramps
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medical options for lower LDL cholesterol levels
Statins, Aspirin and Warfarin, bile acid resin, fibrates, niacin, PCSK9
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inhibit enzyme used for LDL production (reduced heart attack risks = 33% with CVD, 20% without CVD). Risks = increased risk of other non vascular diseases and cancers
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Aspirin and Warfarin
rduces stickiness of platelets/ affects clotting factors. Risks = injuries bleed longer, minor injuries have extensive bruising.
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DCPIP colours
Dark blue to colourless or barbie pink
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find VItamin C concentration
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cholesterol production site
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beneficial - High Density Lipoproteins
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Detrimental - Low Density Lipoproteins
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a trend in data
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cohort study
follows a group of people over time, corrleation between factors and disease development, expensive, long lives
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case control study
follow groups of people over time, compares those with and without the disease, can use existing data on history, cheap, smaller scale
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features of a good study
clear aim, representative sample, valid and reliable resusls, variables clearly outlined.
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hydrated carbon - C(H2O)n, made of saccharide units (sugars).
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mono, di, poly saccharide
1, 2, many sugars
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sucrose, maltose, lactose
glucose and fructose, glucose and glucose, glucose and galactose
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condensation reaction
loss of water, formation of glycosidic bond
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hydrolysis reaction
addition of water, breaking bonds
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amylose to glucose
amylose - maltose, maltose - glucose
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main sugar for cellular respiration, absorbed and transported in the bloodstream to cells, 6 carbon ring
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occurs mainly in milk, same structure as glucose but OH groups on carbon 1 and 4 are switched
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fruit honey and veg, 5 carbon ring
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what makes startch
amylose (1,4 carbon, single helical bonds) and amylopectin (1,4 1,6 branched bonds)
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highly branched, more soluble than starch. 1,4 glycosidic bonds, branches from more 1,6 bonds
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why is the shapes of starch and gylcogen so important
compact, insoluble, easy to hydrolise, doesn't affect osmotic potential
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same molecular formula, different structural formulae
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methods of immobilising enzymes
absorption, covalent bonding, entrapment, membrane seperation
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comtain C,H,O, insoluble in water/soluble in organic solvents, essential in diet, essential in membrane components
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main examples
triglicerides, phospholipids, waxes and steroids.
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bonds formed between carboxyl group of fatty acid and hydroxyl group of glycerol
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saturated fats
fatty acids, single carbon bonds, solid form, strong intermolecular forces, high melting temperature, nothing can be added.
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unsaturated fats
fatty acids, double and single carbon bonds, liquid at room temp, potentiak to add other molecules, weak intermolecular forces, low melting temperature
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energy stores
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membrane support, amphiphilic (1 hydrophilic head, 2 hydrphobic tails)
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bees wax and waxy cuticle, stop evaporation, waterproof
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hormones, 4 rinds in specific molecular configuaration
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


carbon dioxide


key waste substance they need to remove

Card 3


the movement of a fluid from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration


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Card 4


the movement of molecules across a membrane from a region of their lower concentration to a region of their higher concentratio


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Card 5


the net movement of water molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration through a semi permeable membrane


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Very epic. I like this. The person who made this, whoever it may be ;p, will definitely do well in Biology. :)

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