L'immigration 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: KatyLivseyCreated on: 17-06-17 15:20 le "pied noir" former colonist 1 of 26 l'afflux (m) influx 2 of 26 l'ascension sociale social advancement 3 of 26 l'asile politique political asylum 4 of 26 le bidonville shanty town 5 of 26 la carte de sejour residence permit 6 of 26 la carte de travail work permit 7 of 26 le centre d'accueil reception centre 8 of 26 chercher asile to seek asylum 9 of 26 le clandestin illegal immigrant 10 of 26 de souche native born 11 of 26 en baisse falling 12 of 26 en hausse rising 13 of 26 en situation irreguliere illegal, without papers 14 of 26 l'Europe de l'est eastern Europe 15 of 26 la frontiere border 16 of 26 fuir to flee 17 of 26 l'immigration clandestine (f) illegal immigration 18 of 26 issu de l'immigrationn of immigrant origin 19 of 26 le nouvel arrivant new arrival 20 of 26 le patrimoine heritage 21 of 26 le ressortissant national, immigrant 22 of 26 le sans-papiers illegal immigrant 23 of 26 se refugier to take refuge 24 of 26 le travail au noir "moonlighting" 25 of 26 la vague d'immigrant wave of immigration 26 of 26
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