in mitochondria acetyl coa (glucose/FA) or oxaloacetate to make citrate which can diffuse out to the cell and then become acetyl coA and oxaloacetate again.
1 of 9
Step 1-rate limiting step
acetyl coA + HCO3- to form malonyl coA (acetyl coA carboxylase) . MalonylCoA is added to acetyl coA/FA chain. then one carbon is removed. NADPH is used here. MAlonyl coa orevents b-oxidation by inhibiting carnitine transferase.
2 of 9
How are lipids transported?
Lipoproteins, have apoproteins which help with it sstructure and recognised by receptros. cholesterol also which is esterfied as it is then easier to pack with FA chains. unesterfied cholesterol on outside.
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What are the different classes of lipoproteins?
Chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, HDL
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What are chylomicrons?
largest and lowest density (mainly dietary TAG to periphery)
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What are VLDL?
endogenous TAG from liver to periphery
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WHat are LDL?
mainly cholesterol to periphery (BAD cholesterol)
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What are HDL?
mainly cholesterol from perifery to liver (good cholesterol) cholesterol goes into nucleus and inhibits it's own synthesis.
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What is B-100?
important in the struture of engenous fat transport as it is essential receptor so that you can get rid of cholesterol to the liver/periphery.
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Card 2
Step 1-rate limiting step
acetyl coA + HCO3- to form malonyl coA (acetyl coA carboxylase) . MalonylCoA is added to acetyl coA/FA chain. then one carbon is removed. NADPH is used here. MAlonyl coa orevents b-oxidation by inhibiting carnitine transferase.
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