Literary terms 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureEnglish LiteratureA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: hannahgwmartinCreated on: 31-05-18 18:03 Allegory a rhetorical device that creates a close, one-to-one comparison 1 of 20 Burlesque Satire that uses caricature. 2 of 20 Colloquial the informal language of conversation 3 of 20 Denouement The culmination or result of an action, plan or plot 4 of 20 Diatribe An impassioned rant or angry speech of denunciation 5 of 20 Hyperbole The use of exaggeration for effect 6 of 20 Meta moments when a text goes beyond its own fictionality or makes readers/audience aware of the conventions of its fiction 7 of 20 Metaphor A comparison that creates a direct correspondence 8 of 20 Parody The reducing of another text to ridicule by hostile imitation 9 of 20 Pathetic Fallacy The use of setting, scenery or weather to mirror the mood of a human activity 10 of 20 Reportage the inclusion of documentary material, or material which purports to be documentary 11 of 20 Satire A destructive reduction of an idea, image, concept or text. It can employ exaggeration, mimicry, irony or tone. 12 of 20 Semantic field The area of language from which a text draws most of its tropes 13 of 20 Simile A comparison introduced with ‘like’ or ‘as’ 14 of 20 Signifier/Signified meaning is created by the partnership of signifier (the indicator) and signified (the indicated) 15 of 20 Stream of Consciousness The removal of conventional sentence structures and grammar in an attempt to imitate the free flow of thoughts 16 of 20 Symbolism The process of creating or detecting symbols 17 of 20 Transgressive The crossing of a boundary of culture or taste, usually with a subversive intention (challenges assumptions) 18 of 20 Valorise To invest with value 19 of 20 Writing Back A term which describes the appropriation of a text or genre and a rewriting in response 20 of 20
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