Literature terminology 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureTerminologyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: VallinsCreated on: 19-05-16 09:46 Assonance Uses the same or similar vowel sounds near each other 1 of 50 Ballad Slow poem about 'love' 2 of 50 Blank verse Not rhyming but has a rhythm 3 of 50 Caesura A break in the flow of sound iv a verse caused by the endng of a word 4 of 50 Closed Couplet A rhymed couplet which the sense is complete 5 of 50 Conceit Too much pride in your worth 6 of 50 Connotations An idea that a word makes you think about in addition to its meaning 7 of 50 Consonance Harmony or aggreement among components "stroke of luck" 8 of 50 Dionysius Greek God for ecstasy and vegetation 9 of 50 Dirge Poem expressing grief over a death 10 of 50 Dissonance Words that have no connection and used to create an unpleasant effect 11 of 50 Enjambment The running over of a sentence 12 of 50 Epic A long narrative poem with an exalted style and heroic theme 13 of 50 Epitaph A poem that sums up someone's life 14 of 50 Hyperbole An exaggeration of lanuage 15 of 50 Motif A recurrent image, word, phrase, theme, character or situation 16 of 50 Octosyllabic couplet A stanza that has eight syllables in one of two lines 17 of 50 Onomatopoeia USe of words to immitate non-verbal sounds 'hiss' 18 of 50 Oxymoron Two opposities are placed next to each other 19 of 50 Pathetic Fallacy Personification that involves human emotions 20 of 50 Pentameter A poetic line of 5 feet 21 of 50 Persona The way a character behaves 22 of 50 Quatrain A fourl ine stanza 23 of 50 Rhyme Royal Seven line stanza ababbcc 24 of 50 Sestet A six line stanza 25 of 50 Sonnet A poem made up of 14 lines that rhyme in a fixed pattern 26 of 50 Stress Puts emphasis on a certain letter/word 27 of 50 Synaethesia Describes sounds as colours/ colours as tastes 28 of 50 Tercet A rhyming 3 line stanza 29 of 50 Trope Turns meaning from literal to figuritive 30 of 50 Aesthetics Narture of art 31 of 50 Allegory Converys hidden meanings 32 of 50 Allusion A figure of speech 33 of 50 Ambiguity Open to more than one interpretation 34 of 50 Anti-hero Someone who lacks heroic qualities 35 of 50 Archetype A primitive mental image 36 of 50 Denovement How a plot turns out 37 of 50 Deterministic The quality of a character that leads to one conclusion 38 of 50 Dystopia A frightening environment 39 of 50 Hubris A pirde that destroys a character 40 of 50 Ideology A coprehensive world view - personal 41 of 50 Irony Something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite 42 of 50 Magical Realism Unusual/unnatural events happen that is normal in the text 43 of 50 Montage Combining smaller parts 44 of 50 Naturalism Life as it is/not over or under exaggerated 45 of 50 Paradoxical Language that changes the readers habit of thought 46 of 50 Polemic Tries to stir controversy 47 of 50 Prose Doesn't have a rhythm/oattern 48 of 50 Surrealism Visual and unreal 49 of 50 Syntax Order of words and clauses in a sentence 50 of 50
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