It shows how as the number of tourists increase the perceptions of the locals is negative.
6 of 21
What are the 8 Hypothesis ?
Reached stagnation, looking to rebrand, declien in envrio, locals apatheric to tourists, insufficent infra for tourists, lack of investment, tourist - local interaction not good, off season tourists have decreased
7 of 21
How many sections did we split Llandudno into ?
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What random sampling method did we use ?
Rnadom selection for the surveys and questionaires
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What systematice sampling methiod did we use ?
Allocation of set distance for groups. 4 sites split between 16 people
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What stratified sampling was used ?
For business and tourists surveys adn questionaires. We went to shops at points of significant change.
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Name two risks
Geting lost, extreme weather
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What was the largest risk ?
The sea
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What qualititative methods of collecting data did we use ?
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