LO 3 legislation and national intiative to promote anti-discrimination in care enviroment

  • Created by: samira6
  • Created on: 31-12-17 12:35
what is the purpose of legislation
protects rights of individuals in care and state responsibility in society. provides a legal framework for care and right to acces it. legislations create regulatory arangement for monitor care organisation and set standards for service delivery.
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what are the key aspects of the care act
local authorities promote individual`s well being when making decisions eg personal dignity. a duty of child`s need assesment for over 18 who may require care and support. they have to guarentee prevention services- reduce development of care needs.
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what are the key aspects of the health and social care
enable patients to have power over themself, responsibility of patients practioners to have freedom and power to commision care meets local need no decision about me without me health & social carecommision promote joint working/tackle inequality
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what are the key aspects of the equality act
prevents discrimination discrimination based on 9 protected characteristics are illegal no discrimination in education,work and housing services for those with disability women can now brestfeed in public. protection careers protected characteristics
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what are the key aspects of the children act
protecting children at risk by care order children have a right to consultation and advocate stay healthy regardless of background. practioners share information in child protection situation children`s safequard boards represent children intrest.
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what are the key aspects of the data protection act
information collected with person`s permission for speciefic reason used for that reason and shared only on a need to know basis.care workers should ensure information is correct or destroyed.people have a right to know their information no one else
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what is the purpose of the care quality commision and how does it assure quality
regulator of health and social care in england. registers and licenses care services to ensure that essential standards of quality and safety are always met. insepection reports are published if standards are not met CQC could give warning and fines
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what is the purpose of ofsted and how does it assure quality
inspects and regulates services that care for children. publish a report that will identify good practise and area of improvement. if a setting is inadequate they are provided with funding and resourcing.
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what is the purpose of equality and human rights commision and how does it assure quality
provides information to individuals and care organisation so that they know their rights and responsibilities under equality law. provide legal advice in discrimination and support them- case to court, force organisations to equality responsibility
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what is the purpose of national insitute for health and care excellence and how does it assure quality
improves outcomes for individuals using public health considering treatment benefits patients help NHS reach their target, provides information to service on managing. also, provides evidence based on guidelines on how conditions should be treated
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what are the impacts of legislation and national initiatives
personal centred approach to care and provision and individual needs met, empowerment, accessible services, provides a system of redress, clear guidelines for practitioners to follow, raises standards of care, organisational policies, staff selection
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how does person-centred approach to care and provision and individual needs met impact individuals in care
focused on promoting and protecting the rights and needs of the individual. the value of care embed personal centred practise and ways of working to meet individual needs. allows individuals to state their importance to improve control and quality
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how does empowerment impact individuals in care
a career encourage an individual to make informed choices and decisions so that they can take control of their life care setting would empower individual to make informed choice and make decision for themselves.
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how does accessible services impact individuals in care
reasonable adaption have to be made in care enviroment to accomadate disability. ramps and lifts to assit those with mobility and to make all settings accessible for all.
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how does providing a system of redress impact on others
legislations outlines the rights that individuals are entitled to. law can be enforced by taking a legal action so individuals have their rights. an organisation breaking the law could be fined.
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how does clear guidelines for practioners to follow impact on others
E.G mental capacity act states who makes decision so they would know what to do and how to. data protection act provide detailed regulation thereofore others would know exactly how there information is handled.
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how does raise standards of care impact on others
registers and regulates services, monitors and inspects services, sets out the standards of care required, checks services are reaching the required standard of quality and safety, publishes inspection reports and award rating
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how does staff selection and the interview procedures must comply with the equality act impact on others
advertisment must not state requirement that discriminate aganist certain groups. questation at an interview shouldnt be personal or discrimitory.diversity to avoid bias,discriminatory practise.interview should be accesible and have equal opportunity
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how does organisational policies impact on individuals
benefits are data handiling, confidentiality and equal opportunite and ensure care enviroment have attend how they will provide the best quality of care to promotes equality and opportunity to access supports individuals rights make them feels safe.
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how does organisational policies impact on care workers
helps them do their job more effectively by providing guidelines on good practise. helps them provide quality care and protects them from any accusation.ensures all staff are working to the same to the same high standars and consistency of care
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how does organisational policies impact on organisations
helps them to provide a quality service to children/patient and parents and.organisation to run smoothly/effectively as staff understand procedure to follow. protects organisation aganist complaints and helps develop a good reputation.
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Card 2


what are the key aspects of the care act


local authorities promote individual`s well being when making decisions eg personal dignity. a duty of child`s need assesment for over 18 who may require care and support. they have to guarentee prevention services- reduce development of care needs.

Card 3


what are the key aspects of the health and social care


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Card 4


what are the key aspects of the equality act


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Card 5


what are the key aspects of the children act


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