LO1 - Health&Social Care 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareHuman Lifespan and DevelopmentBTEC NationalOCR Created by: ssaidi23Created on: 15-05-22 18:01 Personalisation means recognising people have individual s.... Strengths 1 of 31 Personalisation means recognising people have individual p.... Preferences 2 of 31 Personalisation means recognising people have individual w.... Wishes 3 of 31 Personalisation means recognising people have individual a.... Aspirations 4 of 31 Where do individuals need to be put Centre of care 5 of 31 Whats the name of the approach replacing the traditional approach Proactive 6 of 31 What is an agreed amount of money used to deliver areas of support plan Personal budget 7 of 31 What are the two ways personal budget may be taken by an individual Direct payments and managed accounts 8 of 31 Collaboration/working together is called... Coproduction 9 of 31 Who is the coproduction partnership between Citizens and public services 10 of 31 What can co production to Strengthen communities 11 of 31 How can coproduction make people feel Empowered 12 of 31 Personalisation is a commitment to give individuals more .... Choice and control 13 of 31 What might individuals decide they need to have better Housing options 14 of 31 self-assessment is led as far as possible by .... Person who uses the services 15 of 31 Who decides if the person is eligible for long-term social care support Local authority 16 of 31 How do assessments help Collect information 17 of 31 The control has moved from the professional to the .... Person 18 of 31 How can you empower a person to take control Listening to them 19 of 31 What is a part of the professionals role Provide relevant info 20 of 31 How can individuals gain and control a budget If opt for direct payments 21 of 31 What is the legal document which sets out a description of a child's or young person's needs called EHCP 22 of 31 What do the children issued with EHCP have complex severe needs 23 of 31 What does FACS stand for Fair access to care services 24 of 31 If independent living is a goal, what will local authority assess the individual for Individual budget 25 of 31 Local authority must meet the individuals... Needs 26 of 31 What should individuals have a choice of .... Residence 27 of 31 What ..... adaptations may need to be done to enable an individual to live independently Housing 28 of 31 What may need to be provided in order to meet housing needs Special equipment and adaptations 29 of 31 ...... is the process of redistributing or shifting functions from a central authority or location Decentralisation 30 of 31 Key to ...... is working in equal partnership with individuals who use services, their families, communities and organisations Commissioning 31 of 31
LO3: how current legislation and national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practices in health, social care and child care environments 0.0 / 5
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