LO3 - Unit 1 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesLO3 -Unit 1A2/A-levelAQA Created by: Aggie_GCreated on: 29-03-23 17:46 Connotation The suggested possible meaning of any given denotation 1 of 9 Denotation The literal meaning of a code, sign or genetic convention of a media product or text 2 of 9 Stereotypes A widely-held view about individuals, groups or things that are based on simplified or generalized ideas 3 of 9 Genre Theory A critical tool that helps us study texts and audience responses to texts by dividing them into categories based on common elements. 4 of 9 Narrative Theory Theory about the ways in which stories are structed in order to create meaning for the audience 5 of 9 Media Representation The ways media portrays particular groups, communities, ideas, experiences or topics from a particular ideology or value perspective. 6 of 9 Diegetic World The fictional world (time and place) of the narrative 7 of 9 Codes The familiar and predictable forms and techniques used when creating media texts 8 of 9 Conventions Commonly accepted ways of doing things. 9 of 9
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