Local Conflict: Heathrow Terminal 5

  • Created by: EmmBlr
  • Created on: 01-06-17 10:16
How much did it cost to build T5?
£4.3 billion
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How long did it take to build T5?
6 years
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How many were employed in construction?
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Background to the Debate
World's busiest international airport.
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What percentage of passengers are wealthy professionals?
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Who are the owners of Heathrow?
British Airports Authority (BAA)
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Who were the supporters of T5?
BAA, BA, Major business interests, locals for work
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Who were the opponents of T5?
locals, 13 London borough councils, Friends of the Earth (FoE)
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How does Heathrow work?
2 main runways, no flying 22:00-06:00, planes every 90 seconds, continuous noise.
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Why was the T5 enquiry referred to the governmnet?
Due to its national importance
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Arguments FOR T5
Rapid growth of air travel (70% passenger increase - 9/11 actually reversed this). Repuation of long-queues. Airport capacity - demand set to double '00-'20. Competition with Europe. Importance as a global 'hub' - 50% customers connecting traffic.
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Arguments FOR T5
Local economic value -7700 locals employed, extra 1600 permanent jobs, £3bn contribution to local economy. Attract tourists to London. Affect UK investors. Tourism - £10bn/year to UK economy, high spending overseas visitors spend 10m less nights
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Arguments AGAINST T5 - Economic
Contribution to economy overstated - 1/10 of financial industry. Heavily subsidised - pay no VAT on fuel, nothing towards pollution. 2010, 55m Britons went overseas, only 30m overseas visitors - 38% purely for business. Connections don't benefit econ
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Arguments AGAINST T5 - Environmental
Noise - above limit of safety (72db vs 55db). Green belt, FoE said it would be largest structure on London GB, wildlife loss (already urban?).Pollution - aviation 13% responsible. High-speed rail cound replace short flights. M25 - 20.3m more cars/yea
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Final Decision: what were the two conditions?
Flights limited to 480,000 a year. Fewer car parking spaces to encourage public transport. Forecasts consistently over-estimating ari trafiic and passengers
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What were BAA's predictions in 1990s?
Flights would not exceed 453,000 until 2013, was in 2000
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Environmental credentails of T5
Groundwater and rainwater reused, cutting demand by 70%. 97% of construction waste reused. 50,000 plants. 85% of T5's heat waste from power plants.
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The future of Heathrow - a THIRD RUNWAY? - Arguments FOR
More capacity needed. Boost economy. No alternative. Similar to T5
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The future of Heathrow - a THIRD RUNWAY? - Arguments AGAINST
Was the worry with accepting T5. Need to reduce emissions. Overstated economic case. Coulde be an extra 200,000 flights over London.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How long did it take to build T5?


6 years

Card 3


How many were employed in construction?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Background to the Debate


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What percentage of passengers are wealthy professionals?


Preview of the front of card 5
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