Localism Bill 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyConflict and ChallengeA2/A-levelAQA Created by: LivBarnesCreated on: 20-02-17 14:06 What was the issue? Communities don't have enough say in what happens in the local area/ communities 1 of 9 DCLG is what? Department for communities and local government 2 of 9 What is DCLG's job? To take action to give local communities new rights (community, voluntary groups, and charity groups) 3 of 9 When was it passed? 2011 4 of 9 What is a RDA? Regional development authorities 5 of 9 What are RDA's being replaced by and why? LEP local enterprise partnerhsips, to try and get on a local scale, this is between local buisinesses and civic leaders 6 of 9 Regional strategies turned into what? Neighbourhood plans, in favor of sustainable development 7 of 9 Planning inspectors will no longer be allowed to? Throw out local plans, but they now must make comments, then local councilors can easily over look the advice 8 of 9 Under the bill, planning officers are encouraged to agree to the plans prior ro execution, what is this called? Default position 9 of 9
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