Location 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesOwnership and controlGCSEAQA Created by: tonisha_Created on: 09-10-21 15:55 How many factors is location influenced by? 5 1 of 26 One factor that affects the location of a business is location of what? raw materials 2 of 26 If raw materials are located nearby, this will what? lower transport costs 3 of 26 What is an example of this? a granite quarry 4 of 26 Another factor which influences location is the supply of what? labour 5 of 26 What does high unemployment result in? lower wages 6 of 26 What does this amount of people also provide? a good selection of people to choose from 7 of 26 Another factor that influences location is? competition 8 of 26 If similar businesses are nearby, this can be a what? advantage 9 of 26 Why? it will be easier to find skilled labour 10 of 26 However, what may some prefer to be? away from other businesses 11 of 26 Why? as they might lose sales 12 of 26 Another factor may be the location of what? the market 13 of 26 Some firms may find it cheapest to locate where? near customers 14 of 26 What is an example of this type of firm? a dentist 15 of 26 Where do they specifically need to locate? where people can get to them easily 16 of 26 Some may locate where there is a large what? market 17 of 26 What is an example of this type of firm? firms that sell products worldwide 18 of 26 What is another factor that affects location? cost 19 of 26 The cost of______varies in different_________? labour countries 20 of 26 Many large firms have what? call centres or factories 21 of 26 What are some examples? India and China 22 of 26 What are wages here? lower 23 of 26 Some areas are more_________than others? expensive 24 of 26 Sometimes the government gives people what? grants tax breaks 25 of 26 For who? people in areas of high unemployment 26 of 26
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