LoN: Successes & Failures

Vilna: Polish-Lithuanian Dispute, 1920-29
Vilna was annexed by Polish army, Lithuanian appealed to the League.
League ordered Polish army to withdraw; wait for plebiscite
Poland refused, League was powerless
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Upper Silesia, 1921
An industrial area on the border (Germany+Poland)
Awarded to Poland in the Treaty but had mostly German speakers
League sent a plebiscite to assess the matter
Two-thirds of the territory for Germany but left industrial areas on the Polish side of the fron
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Aaland Islands Dispute, 1921
Located in Baltic Sea.
Finnish territory, population was largely Swedish.
League settled dispute by giving the islands to Finland, but with protection for Swedish Islanders
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Corfu, 1923
Border between Greece and Albania.
Tellini (ITA) killed on Greek side, Mussolini retaliated by occupying Corfu
Greece appealed to League; Britain and France were conflicted
Once Italy got paid, they withdrew from Corfu
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Geneva Protocol, 1924
If two members were in dispute, they would have to ask the League to sort out the disagreement
New conservative govt. refused to sign because they feared Britain would agree to something that was not in its own interests
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Bulgaria, 1925
Greek troops invaded Bulgaria
Bulgaria appealed for LoN
League sent observers and judged in favour of Bulgarians
Due to the Locarno Treaties they were busy
Greece needed to pay compensation
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Manchurian Crisis, 1931-33
Japan invaded China, China appealed to the LoN
Released the Lytton Report; They were on China's side, told Japan to return Manchuria
Japan announced that they would invade more of China, left the League on 27 March 1933
Britain and France did not want to
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Disarmament Conference, 1932-34
Prohibited bombing of civilian populations, limited amount of tanks and weaponry
Many were questioning whether other members should disarm to Germany's level/vice versa
Hitler started to rearm secretly during this period
Withdrew from Conference and the L
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Mussolini's Invasion of Abyssinia, 1935-36
Italy invaded Abyssinia, Abyssinian emperor appealed to the LoN
League put forward a plan that would give Mussolini some of Abyssinia
Because of Hitler's invasion of the Rhineland, French gave in and let Mussolini take Abyssinia
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League's Internal Problems
- Hard to negotiate with own members, powerful countries
- Unable to enforce firm and effective decisions
- National interests and priorities
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Card 2


An industrial area on the border (Germany+Poland)
Awarded to Poland in the Treaty but had mostly German speakers
League sent a plebiscite to assess the matter
Two-thirds of the territory for Germany but left industrial areas on the Polish side of the fron


Upper Silesia, 1921

Card 3


Located in Baltic Sea.
Finnish territory, population was largely Swedish.
League settled dispute by giving the islands to Finland, but with protection for Swedish Islanders


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Card 4


Border between Greece and Albania.
Tellini (ITA) killed on Greek side, Mussolini retaliated by occupying Corfu
Greece appealed to League; Britain and France were conflicted
Once Italy got paid, they withdrew from Corfu


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Card 5


If two members were in dispute, they would have to ask the League to sort out the disagreement
New conservative govt. refused to sign because they feared Britain would agree to something that was not in its own interests


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