Physiology, Psychology, Biomechanics ad Nutritionist.
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What is physiology in sport?
The study of how exercise alters the structure and function of the human body.
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What is psychology in sport?
Study of performers behaviour in sport to understand the mental factors that affect performance.
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What is biomechanics in sport?
Study of forces and the effects of those forces on and in the human body.
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What is a nutritionist in sport?
Getting the food and fluid balance right to ensure the athlete can train as hard as possible and recover for competition.
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Why is sports technology used?
'least effort for the most gain', make the body more effecient, less waste of energy.
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What is the perfect model?
'The recognised and accepted way of executing a skill or sequence'
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What does STER stand for?
Start position - Transition - Execution - Recovery
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What does HBALT stand for?
Head position - Body position - Arm action - Leg action - Total body efficiency
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What are problems with the perfect model?
Andy Roddick used his own tennis serve and worked, coach can't see everything, coach needs to know everything about the sport, who's opinion of the 'perfect' model?
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What is performance analysis?
Combination of biomechanics and notational analysis technique to study how movement relates to performance.
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What is notational analysis?
An emerging technology used in pro sport for competitive edge, primarily concerned with strategy and tactics.
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What is a centralised model for elite sport?
Supported by state which appoints a central body. (France, China, Aus, UK) Public funding, everything in one place.
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What is a decentralised model for elite sport?
No single agency takes control but supported by higher education. (UK, Aus, USA)
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One example of a centralised model?
France - elite sports system in france is co-ordinated by National Commision for high-level sport. French ministry of youth manages the commision . Manages a huge system of regional.
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One example of a decentralised model?
USA - High school/college. Facilities try and mirror pro image. Excellent facilities. Really commercialised.
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What is Dartfish?
462 medalists at Rio 2016 used this - analyses movement - can compare to the perfect model - analyses distances and angles - can draw to analyse postition.
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What is Prozone?
350 Professional clubs use this - analyses the technical, tactical and physical side of the game - 360 degrees view - used by all premiership and championship clubs.
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What are the advantages of video software?
Helps to analyse performance, comparisons can be made with perfect model, helps coach analyse performance, can be used to motivate athlete, wide range of uses.
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What are the disadvantages of video software?
Coach has to have knowledge of it, perfect model isn't always accurate, may cause demotivation, expensive and hard to use.
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Give 4 examples of Technical Ergogenic Aids (TEA)
GPS monitor, heart rate monitor, wind tunnels, pedometer, force plates, power gauges.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the 4 types of sports science support?
Physiology, Psychology, Biomechanics ad Nutritionist.
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