Love Through the Ages-Drama
- Created by: Heather
- Created on: 17-02-16 14:21
What era was 'The Duchess of Malfi' written?
Renaissance period
1 of 44
Give a quote to show the Duchess of Malfi's marriage is forbidden?
"Let not youth, high promotion... Sway your high blood" (Cardinal/ Ferinand)
2 of 44
Analysis of "Let not youth, high promotion... Sway your high blood"?
The Cardinals warning could be warning her about sexual desires and passions and not telling this overtake her, or he could be referring of her blood as her aristocratic lineage,- Social position overcomes love,
3 of 44
Give an example of the Duchess and Antonio's love overcoming their social position at the beginning of the play?
"Claims you for her husband; and like a widow,/ I use but half a blush in't"
4 of 44
Analysis of "claims you for her husband; and like a widow,/ I use but half a blush in't"?
The use of the word "claim" shows the Duchess taking the dominant, conventionally masculine role in thir relationship. SHe uses her sexual experiences to persuade Antonio with marriage,
5 of 44
What symbolism is used throughout the play to represent love and death?
6 of 44
What rings appeared in the play throughout suggesting happiness? Analysis?
Wedding Rings- They suggest unity, fulfilment and happiness in their marriage- They are no longeremployer and employee and it initiates the process of her physically raising him off his knees and joining him as her husband and equal,
7 of 44
What rings appeared in the play at the end suggesting death?
Ferdinand gives the Duchess 'Antonio's' severed hand with his wedding ring- Shows transformation from love to token of revenge. Executioner shows the noose and says "Here's your wedding ring"- Emblem of love disfigured into death,
8 of 44
What era was 'The Way of the World' written?
9 of 44
How is love presented between Mirabell and Millamant?
-Forbidden, -Pure, -Love as a contract,
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Give an example to show Mirabell's true and pure love for Millamant?
"Here she comes I'faith full sail, with her fan spread and her streamers out"
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Analysis of "Here she comes I'faith full sail, with her fan spread and her streamers out"
Millamant's first appearance is prepared carefully- She automatically dominates the stage and is revealed as the complete Restoration belle- She is sure of her beauty. We this his admiration and love for her,
12 of 44
Give an example to show their love is presented as a contract?
Proviso Scene- "Don't let us be familiar or fond, nor kiss before folks."
13 of 44
Analysis of the Provisio scene and"Don't let us be familiar or fond, nor kiss before folks"?
Here, Millamant is laying down conditions of her perfect marriage with Mirabell and likewise. Although this scene can appear cold, their body language on stage would be very loving, as Millamant freely admits at the end. It islikemarriage-civilised.
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Which character is presented as comical due to her lust-need in a relationship?
Lady Wishfort
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Give an example of Lady Wishfort's lust?
"you must not attribute my yielding to any sinister appetite"
16 of 44
Analysis of "you must not attribute my yielding to any sinister appetite"?
The use of "sinister appetites" suggests she lusts for Sir Rowland and so not love. The short sentences show the quickening of her sensual pulse at this marriage as highlighted by her name.
17 of 44
What era was Othello written in?
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Give a quote to show Othello and Desdemona's love at the beginning of the play?
"She loved me for the danger I had pass'd/ And I loved her that she did pity them"
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Analysis of "She loved me for the danger I had pass'd/ And I loved her that she did pity them"?
Othello here is predicating his success in love on his success as a soldier, wooing Desdemona with tales of his military battles.
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What technique does Shakespeare use with nature?
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Give an example of foreshadowing their relationship with nature?
"If after every tempest come such calms"
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Analysis of "If after every tempest come such calms"?
The line foreshadows a future event that will affect their relationship. The calm could ironically represent the calm before the storm and create a false sense of security about their marriage,
23 of 44
Later in the play during Desdemona's death scene, what is the setting and the effect of this?
-Fixed on a single bedroom, -The audience becomes fixed, creatign a feeling of claustrophobia unique to Shakespearen tragedies. The outer world become insignificant as the hero becomes monomanical and obssessed with Desdemona,
24 of 44
What technique and an example is used to show Othello could be assessing Desdemona's faithfulness?
Semantic field of justice and decision making- "confess", "if you bethink yourself of any crime",
25 of 44
What does this uncertainty overcome to and an example?
It overcomes to certainty- "O perjur'd woman" and "He hath confess'd"
26 of 44
Analysis of "O purjur'd woman"?
This tone of accusations suggests Othello is certain his wife is unfaithful and seeks retribution upon his wife, becoming a God figure and taking the decision of lfie and death into his hands,
27 of 44
What era is 'Death of a Salesman' from?
28 of 44
In this drama, where is the main centre of love shown?
In the home,
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Give a quote to show his wife, Linda's, love for him?
"Why must everyone conquer the world?"
30 of 44
Analysis of "Why must everyone conquer the world?"
Her tone suggests she is afraid for Willy due to his huge aspirations and views of life goals such as to be well liked. In contrast, he dream for Willy is to appreciate he is successful and he doesnt need to be popular as he is well loved,
31 of 44
What motif is there in the play to show, however, the family is broken and analysis?
Refrigerator- Drains on fiance. It is broken consantly like the family and is doesn't matter how much money is used, it cannot be fixed like the families problems.
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What motif in the play shows Willy's guilt at an affair and analysis of this?
Stockings- Represents Willy's betrayal and guilt and brings back anger from his past. He hates that, like Linda's stockings, things are falling apart which need to be repaired- He leaves things broken so he can't move on from the past,
33 of 44
Give an example of Willy's love for material items?
"The Chevrolet, Linda, is the greatest car even run."
34 of 44
Analysis of "The Chevrolet, Linda, is the greatest car even run."?
The car is symbolism of WIlly- While owning a car suggests wealth and gives him pride, is is and older car which is always updating, showing Willy can't keep up with the future. Ironic- He uses this to kill himself- He couldn't develop to the future,
35 of 44
What era was 'All my Sons' written in?
36 of 44
Give a quote to show marriage for material means between Sue and Dr Jim Bayliss?
"It seems to me that for ten dollars you could hold his hand"
37 of 44
Analysis of "It seems to me that for ten dollars you could hold his hand"?
This presents Sue's power over Jim to keep her family materially comfortable and gain social acceptance,
38 of 44
What type of love keeps Larry alive?
Kate's love for her child,
39 of 44
Give a quote to show Kate doesn;t accept Larry is dead?
"Everybody was in such a hurry to bury him."
40 of 44
Analysis of "Everybody was in such a hurry to bury him."?
Since Larry's disapperance, she has been unable to let him go- She has moved to dreams, horoscopes and signs to make sense of reality. The cracking of the tree she believes is a sign he isn't dead,
41 of 44
Describe the structure of the drama to emphasise Kate's love as a mother?
She is referred to in the play as 'Mother'- This is because her motherliness is one of her defining characteristics and is the only thing she knows,
42 of 44
Give another example of love in the book?
Between Ann Deever and Chris Keller,
43 of 44
Despite Kate's interference, why is Ann one of the most powerful characters in the play?
She has Larry's letter admitting that he killed himself- She is one of the only characters in the play who achieves her objective,
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Give a quote to show the Duchess of Malfi's marriage is forbidden?
"Let not youth, high promotion... Sway your high blood" (Cardinal/ Ferinand)
Card 3
Analysis of "Let not youth, high promotion... Sway your high blood"?

Card 4
Give an example of the Duchess and Antonio's love overcoming their social position at the beginning of the play?

Card 5
Analysis of "claims you for her husband; and like a widow,/ I use but half a blush in't"?

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