What stage of Todorov's theory does the Luther key scene fall under?
Stage 4 - Attempt to repair damage
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What shot constructs Tom?
Cut: medium shot, Tom pointing a sawn-off shotgun at two females
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How does this shot of Tom construct Todorov's theory?
Expect the drama of a hostage situation for stage 4
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How is Gerbner applied?
The audience have expectations of what they would want to see from stage 4 of Todorov's theory
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"Tom has been constructed as the...
... false hero as the narrative has progressed. An architect whose wife was ***** and murdered
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Long shot
Middle aged ethnic minority male, shot so walks with a limp attempts to save the two females - binary oppotions = conflict between the hero and villain (crime genre, needs to be a criminal)
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What is Luther's verbal code and what does it mean?
"Where's Natalie Green?", stage 4, trying to find victim (solve)
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How is this verbal code used by the audience?
Enigma code, will they get to her?
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The audience are on a journey...
...with Luther as cause and effect on chain events
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Tom asks Luther to
"pick one"
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How is Tom's verbal code used by the audience?
Enigma codes for audience, create active audience, 'who would I pick?'
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How is Strauss applied?
Tom's power with the shot gun vs the women's worried facial expressions
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How is suspense created?
Non-diegetic sounds
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How does Propp apply?
Mary is the princess but not just a reward, she is heavily included in the drama
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How is Mary constructed?
Angelic, blonde, female, brave to pusht he shot gun out the way, pivotal part
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What theory is Mary an example of?
Third wave feminism - 'girl power'
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How is Marx applied?
Luther saves the day, repressive structure
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How else does Propp apply?
Alice is constructed as the helper through a close up of her sticking the nail in Tom's neck and the audio code of Tom's skin ripping
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How does the text influence the industry
Through the BBC's need to construct their society in a positive way
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Where is the key scene set?
On top of a roof (aerial shot)
Card 3
What stage of Todorov's theory does the Luther key scene fall under?
Card 4
What shot constructs Tom?
Card 5
How does this shot of Tom construct Todorov's theory?
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