M13 - 20 Integrated Modular Avionics

  • Created by: Bikboi
  • Created on: 12-03-24 16:17
What are the Line Replaceable Modules (LRM) units called?
Core Processsing Input/Output Modules (CPIOMs) or Input/Output Modules (IOMs)
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What are the CPIOMs connected to?
Aircraft Data Communications Network (ADCN)
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How are CPIOMS connected to the ADCN?
Avionics Full DupleX switched ethernet (AFDX)
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How are conventional LRUs connected to the ADCN via IOMS/CPIOMS?
Half Duplex Cabling
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One of the main benefits of the Integrated Modular Avionics is that the same type of LRM are interchangable, what other benefits are there?
Each LRM can be configured to provide services for one or more system application and they are the same as commercial electronic boards (Commercial Off The Shelf - COTS)
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When interchanging a CPIOM with the same type of CPIOM, what may be needed?
Reconfiguration of the software
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What system is associated with CPIOM Type A?
Pneumatic and Optional Air Conditioning
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What system is associated with CPIOM Type B?
Air conditioning
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What system is associated with CPIOM Type C?
Cockpit and Flight Controls
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What system is associated with CPIOM Type D?
Data Link
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What system is associated with CPIOM Type E?
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What system is associated with CPIOM Type F?
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What system is associated with CPIOM Type G?
Landing Gear
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How are CPIOMs constructed?
Hardware and Loadable module software
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How is CPIOMs hardware constructed?
Power supply, 2 I/O boards and a CPU board.
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How is CPIOMs software constructed?
Core, Configuration Table and Application/Database software
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How many sub types are found within CPIOM types C, D and E?
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How many sub types are found within CPIOM types A, B, F and G?
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How are IOMs constructed?
Hardware and Loadable module software
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How IOM software constructed?
Operational Program and Configuration Table Software
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What is IOM mirroring?
Odd numbered IOMs are mirrors of the even numbered IOMs, in order to send the data twice for redundancy in case of an IOM failure.
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What components make up the common core system of Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA)?
General processing modules and remote data concentrators
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What does a remote data concentrator do?
Replaces traditional wiring with Input/Output devices that concentrate signals from the remote sensors and send them to the processing modules
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the CPIOMs connected to?


Aircraft Data Communications Network (ADCN)

Card 3


How are CPIOMS connected to the ADCN?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How are conventional LRUs connected to the ADCN via IOMS/CPIOMS?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


One of the main benefits of the Integrated Modular Avionics is that the same type of LRM are interchangable, what other benefits are there?


Preview of the front of card 5
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