Macbeth-Act 4 Summary

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 12-10-21 19:23
In Act 4 Scene 1, what do the witches cast?
a spell
1 of 54
Around what?
a cauldron
2 of 54
Who congratulates them?
3 of 54
Who then visits the witches?
4 of 54
What do the witches then show Macbeth?
his three apparitions
5 of 54
What is the first thing that appears?
an armed head
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What does it say?
"beware Macduff"
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What is the second thing that appears?
a bloody child
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What does the child say?
"none of woman born shall harm Macbeth"
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What is the third thing that appears?
a crowned child
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What is the crowned child holding?
a tree
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What does the child say?
he will never be defeated until" Great Birnam Wood to Dunsinane hill shall come against him"
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How does Macbeth feel after hearing these?
13 of 54
Who does he then ask about?
14 of 54
What does he ask about Banquo?
if his descendants will ever become king
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What to the witches then advise?
against this question
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What does Macbeth then do?
demand to know the answer
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What apparition then appears?
8 kings following Banquos ghost
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How does Macbeth feel about this?
19 of 54
What do the witches then do?
20 of 54
What does Lennox then say after arriving?
Macduff has fled to England
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What does Macbeth then privately vow to himself?
that he will kill Macduffs whole family including"his wife,his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line"
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In Act 4 Scene 2, why is Lady Macduff worried?
as to why her husband has fled to England
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Who then reassures her?
24 of 54
What does he say about Macduff?
that he is "noble, wise, judicious"
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What does he not dare to do?
tell her anymore
26 of 54
What does he then do?
27 of 54
What does Lady Macduff tell her son?
that his father is dead and was a traitor
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What does the son do in response?
tease her as he knows its not true
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Who then arrives to advise Lady Macduff?
a messenger
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What does the messenger advise Lady Macduff to do?
flee with her family
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What does she do?
not go
32 of 54
Why does she not go?
as she has "done no harm"
33 of 54
Who then arrives?
the murderers
34 of 54
Who do the arrive seeking?
35 of 54
Who do they then kill?
his wife and son
36 of 54
In Act 4 Scene 3,where is Macduff?
in England
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What does Macduff tell Malcom?
how Scotland is suffering under "tyrant" Macbeth
38 of 54
How does Malcom feel about Macduff?
39 of 54
What does he then decide to do?
test his loyalty
40 of 54
What does Malcom say about himself?
if he became king, his own "vices" would be worse than Macbeth
41 of 54
What does Macduff excuse?
many of Malcoms flaws
42 of 54
What does Malcom then claim he will bring to Scotland?
43 of 54
What does Macduff then do to him and say?
condemns him and says his "hope ends here"
44 of 54
Here what happens to Malcoms suspicions?
they are gone
45 of 54
What does he tell Macduff he was doing?
he was "false speaking"
46 of 54
Who does he say he is devoted to?
his people and country
47 of 54
Who is Malcom ready with?
Old siward and 10,000 men
48 of 54
What are they ready to do?
invade Scotland
49 of 54
What does a doctor then say about King Edward?
how he cured people by touch
50 of 54
What type of gift is this?
a gift bestowed on true kings
51 of 54
What does Ross then tell Macduff?
about the death of his wife and children
52 of 54
What does Malcom then do?
comfort Macduff
53 of 54
What does he Malcom advise?
that they"make us medicines of our great revenge to cure this deadly grief"
54 of 54

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Around what?


a cauldron

Card 3


Who congratulates them?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who then visits the witches?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do the witches then show Macbeth?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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