Macbeth quotes and analysis 1.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? English LiteratureMacbethA2/A-levelAQA Created by: leahjayne97Created on: 02-05-16 16:25 Fair is foul and foul is fair The theme of the play and the paradox of the witches 1 of 12 All hail macbeth hail to thee thane of cawdor tells macbeth his future 2 of 12 The king comes here tonight decides the character's fate 3 of 12 O,never shall sun that morrow see lady macbeth intentions of murder revealed 4 of 12 Look like th'innocent flower but be serpant under't hide guild look innocent despite guilt 5 of 12 conduct me to mine host depicts the trust Duncan has for macbeth 6 of 12 He hath honoured me of late doesnt want to carry vout murderous act 7 of 12 is this a dagger which i see before me macbeths descent into madness begins-illusions 8 of 12 I have not and yet I see thee still macbeth does not possess sanity 9 of 12 summons thee to heaven or to hell macbeths que to do the deed 10 of 12 that which hath made them drunk hath made me bold lady macbeth shows ambition 11 of 12 had he not resmebled my father as he slept i had done't highlights the weakness of her character 12 of 12
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