Macro and Micronutrients 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionGCSEAQA Created by: Georgina GregoryCreated on: 25-03-13 11:27 Protein molecules are made up of long chains of _____________. Amino acids 1 of 20 A lack of a certain nutrient. Deficiency 2 of 20 Fatty acids with two or more double bonds are _____________. Unsaturated 3 of 20 Too much ___________ can block arteries and cause heart disease. Cholesterol 4 of 20 To reduce the amount of saturated fat eaten, you should eat more poultry and fish and less ___________. Red meat 5 of 20 Starches are broken down into glucose during digestion. Excess glucose is stored as __________. Glycogen 6 of 20 Glucose, fructose and lactose are examples of these. Intrinsic sugars 7 of 20 Dietary fibre helps to move waste materials in the _____________. Large intestine 8 of 20 These can be found in cereals, root vegetables and pulses. Starches 9 of 20 Vitamins can be divided into two groups, one of which is fat-soluble vitamins. Water soluble 10 of 20 The B vitamin that promotes healthy skin and mouth and releases energy to body cells. Two 11 of 20 A lack of Folic Acid can cause tiredness and __________. Anaemia 12 of 20 Another name for vitamin C. Ascorbic acid 13 of 20 Vitamin A is needed for good _________. Eyesight 14 of 20 The vitamin needed for normal clotting of the blood. Vitamin K 15 of 20 Vitamins A, C and E are all examples of _____________ vitamins. Antioxidant 16 of 20 Two minerals which are needed in fairly large amounts are iron and ________. Calcium 17 of 20 Menstruating women can be lacking in this. Iron 18 of 20 The mineral which strengthens teeth by combining with enamel coating to make them more resistant to attack by acids. Fluoride 19 of 20 A lack of iodine can cause this. Slow metabolism 20 of 20
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