macro set 5 0.0 / 5 ? EconomicsMacroeconomic indicatorsASOCR Created by: inayahCreated on: 11-05-14 11:41 Investment spending on capital goods 1 of 12 labour force the people who are employed and unemployed those who are economically active 2 of 12 labour productivity output of a good or service per worker in a given time period 3 of 12 leakages withdrawals of possible spending from the circular flow of income 4 of 12 LFS a measure of unemployment based on a survey using the ILO definition of unemployment 5 of 12 long term unemployment unemployed lasting for more than a year 6 of 12 macroeconomic equilibrium a situation where AD = AS and real gdp is not changing 7 of 12 macroeconomics the study of issues that affect economies as a whole 8 of 12 menu costs the costs of changing prices due to inflation 9 of 12 monetary policy central bank and/or government decisions on the rate of interest , the money supply and the exchange rate 10 of 12 MPC a committee of the bank of England with responsibility of setting the interest rate in order to meet the governments inflation target 11 of 12 multiplier effects the process by which any change in a component of AD results in a greater final change in real GDP 12 of 12
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