What was the 'Agrarian Reform Law' and when was it announced?
Law laying down legal framework by which land reform could take place: 1950
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What was the order of moving towards communal farming?
MAT's; APC's; Higher APC'S; Collectives; Communes
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At which point did Mao enforce communal farming?
1955- Higher APC's were enforced
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Why did Mao want communal farming?
Economic- Economies of Scale; Political-Control over means of production as well as peasants;
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At what rate did agri.output rise by before communes were enforced?
4% per year
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What were Mao's reasons for launching communes?
Max. production to release workers for ind.; ideological- stop rev. losing impetus
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What were communes?
Collective farms designed to provide every need i.e housing, food, healthcare, 'happy homes' for elderly etc
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When was the Great Famine?
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What factors led to the Great Famine 1958-62?
Lysenkoism; too high quotas and fake figures; demotivation (private farming abolished); failure to acknowledge (Lushan); too ambitious at same time of GLF
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How many died as a result of the Great Famine?
30 million
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What figures show the effects which communes had on output
1958= 200 million tonnes grain; 1960=143 million tonnes of grain
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What was the response once party acknowledged difficulties?
Mao into background; Liu and Deng restoration of private farming and food imports
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When was the 1st 5YP?
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How was the 1st 5YP set up?
Command economy, use of Soviet advice and resources, targeting heavy industry
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What successes of the 1st 5YP were there?
Met targets mostly, living standards rose 'iron rice bowl'
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What failures of the 1st 5YP were there?
Quantity over quality, collectives went short of food as exports rose to fund soviet loans
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How can the reasons for launching the GLF and the 2nd 5YP be split up?
Economic; Political/Personal; Ideological
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What economic reasons were there for the launch of the 2nd 5YP and GLF?
Economic:Communes would release workers for industry to acheive high targets
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What Political/Personal reasons were there for the launch of the 2nd 5YP and GLF?
Encouraged by pace of collectivisation; prove the PRC's worth and establish Mao's credentials as leader of communism
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What ideological reasons were there for the launch of the 2nd 5YP and GLF?
Mass mobilisatioon and decentralisation suited Mao's ideology
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How did the 2nd 5YP work?
Decentralisation, backyard furnaces, SOE's
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What was the result of the 2nd 5YP?
Of 1958 levels, only 1/2 of heavy ind. goods being made and 3/4 of light ind. by 1962
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Why did the 2nd 5YP fail?
Thought mass mob. was proper sub. for careful planning, lack of expertise (no soviet advisors by 1960), schemes like BYFs took resources away from where they needed to be
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What were the key features of the retreat from the GLF?
Centralised control, realistic targets, incentives returned and experts utilised,
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What were the results of the 3rd 5YP?
Agri. output levels reached 1957 levels by 1965 and China detonated 1st atomic bomb in 1964; pretext for power struggle
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was the order of moving towards communal farming?
MAT's; APC's; Higher APC'S; Collectives; Communes
Card 3
At which point did Mao enforce communal farming?
Card 4
Why did Mao want communal farming?
Card 5
At what rate did agri.output rise by before communes were enforced?
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