a strategic model for helping a firm analyse the relationship between strategic direction and suitable marketing strategies
Ansoff's matrix
1 of 20
a measure of how close the relationship is between an independent variable and a dependent variable
2 of 20
the most most risky strategy of trying to enter new markets with new products
3 of 20
the use of trends established by historical data to make predictions about future values
4 of 20
the % growth over a particular period
growth rate
5 of 20
the process of analysing the size, structure and growth of a market in order to support marketing decisions
market analysis
6 of 20
a growth strategy where a business seeks to sell its existing products into new markets
market development
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a relatively low-risk growth strategy where a firm focuses on selling existing products into existing markets
market penetration
8 of 20
the proportion of a market revenue ir sales volume that is captured by a business or brand
market share
9 of 20
the actions that mint intent to take via the marketing mis in order to achieve marketing objectives
marketing plan
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specific amounts that are allocated to activities in the marketing plan
marketing budget
11 of 20
statistics used to analyse trends in the recent past so that a firm can predict future sales
moving averages
12 of 20
a growth strategy where a business aims to introduce new products into existing markets
product development
13 of 20
techniques for estimating the likely demand for a product in future periods
sales forecasting
14 of 20
a particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed
target market
15 of 20
a general direction in which something tends to move/develop/change
16 of 20
launching a new product or service in a limited part of the target market in order to gauge the popularity of the product and asses the most appropriate marketing mix
test marketing
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the process of building a long-term, profitable relationship between a firm and its customers
customer relationship management
18 of 20
a term for various measures of central tendency. Mean, Mode and median.
19 of 20
skills, competences, resources and other advantages that enable a firm to out-perform its competition
competitive advantage
20 of 20
Other cards in this set
Card 2
a measure of how close the relationship is between an independent variable and a dependent variable
Card 3
the most most risky strategy of trying to enter new markets with new products
Card 4
the use of trends established by historical data to make predictions about future values
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