Martin Luther Quiz Quiz on dates of Martin Luther and European Reformation 4.0 / 5 based on 6 ratings ? HistoryASAll boards Created by: Grace FletcherCreated on: 19-05-10 14:16 When were Luther's books, Adress to Christian Nobilty, Babylonish Captivity of the Church and Freedom of a Christian written? 1520 1 of 14 When was the Leipzig Debate with John Eck? July 1519 2 of 14 When was the Papal Bull of Excommunication passed against Luther, which he later burned? 1520 3 of 14 When was the Diet of Worms (with Charles)? 1521 4 of 14 Who kidnapped Luther after the Diet of Worms? Frederick the Wise 5 of 14 When did Luther return from his 'Wartburg Captivity' to find Carlstadt making radical changes? 1522 6 of 14 What was the League of Catholic Princes called, formed in 1525? League of Dessau 7 of 14 When was League of Torgau formed (the group of Lutheran Princes)? 1526 8 of 14 When were the 2 Diets of Speyer? 1526 and 1529 9 of 14 When was the Schmalkadic League formed, led by John of Saxony and Philip of Hesse? March 1531 10 of 14 When was the Peace of Ausberg, at which it was decided that every prince was to decide his own territory's religion - "cuius regio, eius religio"? 1555 11 of 14 When was the Battle of Muhlberg, the war between the Schmalkadic League and Catholic Princes? 1546 12 of 14 When was the Treaty of Dassau, at which Lutheran princes were allowed freedom to worship until the next diet? 1552 13 of 14 When were the 95 Theses written in response to John Tetzel's indulgences? 1517 14 of 14