Mary Queen of Scotts 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryElizabethan EnglandGCSEEdexcel Created by: Simran MankooCreated on: 23-10-18 18:43 How was Mary related to Elizabeth? They both shared the same grandmother, Margaret Tudor, so they were cousins 1 of 20 What happened if Elizabeth had no children? Mary Queen of Scotts would claim the throne 2 of 20 Who supported Mary becoming queen of England? Many Catholics in England 3 of 20 When did Mary marry Lord Darnley? 1565 4 of 20 What was the rumour of Mary during this marriage? She was having an affair with her secretary 5 of 20 What did Darnley order? For the secretary to be killed 6 of 20 What happened in 1567? Lord Darnley was murdered. 7 of 20 What was the rumour about who murdered him? Mary and her friend, Earl of Bothwell 8 of 20 How was this suspicion confirmed? The two married a few months later 9 of 20 Why was she imprisoned in Scotland? With the suspicion of murder of Lord Darnley 10 of 20 What did Mary decide to do instead? Flee to England 11 of 20 What did Mary hope from Elizabeth? Give her help to regain control of Scotland 12 of 20 Why didn't Elizabeth do this? Because there would be a constant threat of invasion from Scotland 13 of 20 Instead, what did Elizabeth do to Marry? Imprison her 14 of 20 Why did she do this? To investigate if she had been involved in Darnley's murder 15 of 20 Did the inquiry reach a verdict? No 16 of 20 What happened as a result? Mary was kept in captivity 17 of 20 What did Elizabeth hope from this? Prevent Mary becoming the centre of Catholic plots 18 of 20 However what did it cause? Problems for Elizabeth for the next 20 years 19 of 20 When did Mary arrive in England? 1568 20 of 20
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