Mary Ainsworth 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyCore studiesA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Anthony_SellsCreated on: 08-11-13 13:53 Define what is meant by securely attached? Children were generally pacified by the presence of their mother 1 of 12 Define what is meant by insecurely attached? Children were less inclined to explore and cried frequently even when they were with their mother 2 of 12 Define what is meant by not yet attached? Children were indifferent to the presence of the mother 3 of 12 After the strange situation - Ainsworth categorised three different types of attachment - what are these? Secure attachment (Type B), Anxious-aviodant (Type A), Anxious-resistant (type C) 4 of 12 Ainsworth studied attachment types where? Baltimore, USA 5 of 12 How many secure attachments did she find? 65% 6 of 12 Where did Sagi do his research? Isreali study 7 of 12 How many anxious resistant attachments were found? 50% 8 of 12 Grossman did research where? Germany 9 of 12 How many anxious-avoidant attachments were found? 49% 10 of 12 Miyake did research where? Japan 11 of 12 How many secure attachments were found? 68% 12 of 12
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