MATHS 0.0 / 5 ? Historybattle of hastingswhy William wonhow did william gain controlGCSEWJEC Created by: rhys12Created on: 11-05-16 15:04 what happened battle in the battle of Hastings William of Normandy won 1 of 8 where was it held Hastings 2 of 8 when was the battle of Hastings held October 14 1066 3 of 8 who was William fighting king Harold of England 4 of 8 why did William win he was better prepared than harold 5 of 8 how did William win most of Harold's men died in the battle of Stamford bridge 6 of 8 how did william gain control william gained control because he won the fight 7 of 8 why did william gain control he gained control by winning the battle 8 of 8
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