Matters of Life and Death 0.0 / 5 ? Religious Studiesmatters of life and deathGCSEEdexcel Created by: oliviahill123Created on: 16-03-15 20:05 2438511076 Across 1. God gave humans responsibilities to look after the Earth (11) 2. rule of 'do as you would be done by' (6, 4) 4. god is all powerful (10) 6. can be moral or natural (4) 7. God gave humans power to use the Earth (8) 8. act of sexual intercourse outside of marriage when married (8) Down 2. theory that Earth's atmosphere is warming due to human activity (6, 7) 3. feeling of a greater presence (8) 5. an act which breaks the law (5) 10. marriage to one partner only (8)
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